Grebe Family Drama
No sunset to speak of, but some excitement while visiting the grebe family down at Humber Bay Park East the other night. It seems that earlier in the day, mom had a fishing lure and some line wrapped around her head. From what I gathered, some people caught her and got it off, but she got away from them into a section on the other side of a barrier. She would have to dive very deep to get under it...not a problem except that she had a baby on her back. When we arrived, I'm not sure who was more frantic, her or the bystanders (j/k, it was definitely the bystanders).
Anyway, eventually she figured out how to get back to the other side (without any help from the concerned onlookers, thank you very much) and the reunion between her and her mate was loud and action packed. He seemed to be yelling "where the hell have you been??? I've been stuck here for hours with these damn kids and now we're all starving". She was having none of it and seemed to be giving it right back to him "don't even start with me, do you have ANY idea what kind of day I've had???"
They swam past each other and she got up on the nest with the chicks (don't you think they should be called "grebelets"? I do). Dad began speed fishing, diving down and coming up with a minnow every time. He'd rush over to the nest, cram it into a frantic chick's mouth and dive away for more. It was pretty impressive, he was a very good provider for his family!
Eventually, everyone was fed and no one seemed any worse off for those few hours of separation.