Mature Lady "Champ" in Toronto
A few weeks ago, we met Champ, a stunning German Shepherd dog who is looking for a home through Speaking of Dogs Rescue, in the Greater Toronto Area. Champ is a classy lady who is aging with grace and hanging on to her looks rather well! She is calm and dignified and would make a lovely and well mannered addition to the family.
Champ is a mature German Shepherd dog and a true lady. She is seeking a home in the Greater Toronto Area.
After being spayed and having her teeth cleaned, it was discovered that Champ had Lyme disease! She has been treated and is feeling much better. Don't worry, Lyme disease isn't contagious to other pets or people, but it is carried by ticks, so this is a reminder to be careful, use tick repellent and check yourself and pets thoroughly after hikes, especially in tall grasses. I found one of the nasty little buggers on my neck last year, after wading into a field of canola after the perfect angle for a photo.
It was worth it, but only because I did NOT contract Lyme disease. That would have sucked.
Anyway, I digress. Champ is a wonderful dog (who really seems like she should have a dignified name like "Audrey" or "Emma"). You can find more information about Champ (perhaps short for Champagne?) here
Still a beauty, at 11 years young...we should all be so lucky!