My First Photo Session With Horses

My family owned race horses when I was very young. I remember weekends of visiting them on the farm where we boarded them and at the track, but I was never involved in their handling or care and I can count on one hand the number of times I've gone horseback riding. There was a stage in my childhood when all I wanted was a pony, but then one morning, I woke up and "Hungry Like The Wolf" was playing on the radio and from that moment forward, all I wanted was Simon LeBon.

My animal care career has been spent almost exclusively in the city and I rarely cross paths with a horse, but I was super excited when I was booked for a photo session on a quarter horse farm. I was also completely at a loss as to what to expect, what to bring and how the session was going to flow. Fortunately, the horses were very well socialized (though the foals could be nippy!) and the owner was extremely knowledgeable, so we had tons of fun and I took like 700 photos (actual, unexaggerated number). Here are a few of my favourites so far.


Clifford, The Big Sad Dog


Pet Photography Tips