Clifford, The Big Sad Dog

When I met Clifford, he was staying at Petopia (a doggy daycare facility in Toronto's east end, where they generously allow Speaking of Dogs Rescue to temporarily house dogs awaiting foster homes). I had been informed that he was very frightened, "shut down" even, but that he was starting to recognize some of the staff who handled him daily and that just the very tip of his tail would begin to wag when he saw them. You see, Clifford was a hunting dog in his former life, just one of a dozen or so dogs, crowded together in unsanitary conditions. His newfound good fortune was still a bit overwhelming for him.

Not wanting to frighten him, I went into his little room alone and took along a lens that would allow me to photograph him from a bit of a distance and without a flash. I sat down on the floor, on the opposite side of the room to snap a few photos. I got a couple of curious looks when I coughed, but otherwise it seemed like he was just wishing that I would disappear...or that he could.

Fast forward a couple of months and some time in a loving, patient foster home and Clifford has come a long way. He is (perhaps surprisingly) house trained, non destructive when left alone and travels well in the car. He is ready now to find a forever home with a patient family who are willing to put some effort into his trust and can provide a fenced in back yard for him to play or relax in without a lot of scary distractions. 

Who wants to help this shy, gentle fellow become Clifford, the big, HAPPY dog he was destined to be? You can check on his availability and find more information on the Speaking of Dogs website here.


The Kittens of Kismutt


My First Photo Session With Horses