My Master of Photographic Arts Designation

Five and a half years after joining the Professional Photographers of Canada, I have earned my Master of Photographic Arts Designation. When I first joined, it seemed like such an impossible goal, it wasn’t even something I was aspiring towards, but I quickly began earning print merits from entering my images into competitions and submitting successful accreditations, and next thing I knew, it wasn’t out of reach at all!

Of course, there’s more to earning a designation than performing well in image competition - you also have to earn merit points for service to the association. That was the reason I joined the PPOC Atlantic Regional Board of Directors almost 3 years ago, shortly after moving to New Brunswick. At first, joining the board was just a way to get my service merits faster, but getting involved was almost like having an instant group of friends in my new area, and has really probably done more good for me than I have for them! (Shhhh, don’t tell them I said that ;)

My Master of Photographic Arts plaque and medallion from the Professional Photographers of Canada.

My Master of Photographic Arts plaque and medallion from the Professional Photographers of Canada.


First Place in Animal Image Makers


Tails of the Chocolate River