Best In Class For Animals and Fine Art In Eastern Canada Image Competition
Awards and Accreditations, Updates Tracy Munson Awards and Accreditations, Updates Tracy Munson

Best In Class For Animals and Fine Art In Eastern Canada Image Competition

The results are in from the 2024 Eastern Image Competition by the Professional Photographers of Canada. I had two images achieve scores of Excellence (the highest score), and they both also won Best in Class awards!

The Eastern competition includes members from Ontario, Quebec, and all 4 Atlantic provinces, so there is some extremely tough competition. There were so many amazing images, it’s a huge honour to have won in my two favourite classes, Animals and Fine Art. I also received the Bruce Berry Award for Best General Print by a member from the Atlantic Provinces.

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2024 Eastern Canada Image Competition - Best In Class!
Awards and Accreditations, Updates Tracy Munson Awards and Accreditations, Updates Tracy Munson

2024 Eastern Canada Image Competition - Best In Class!

This past weekend was the awards ceremony for the Professional Photographers of Canada Eastern Image Competition. It was super fun to gather with some other local photographers in the Greater Moncton area to watch the awards and celebrate together at 5 Bridges in Riverview. Our Atlantic members represented very well in competition against members from Quebec and Ontario.

I received a Best in Class and a Judge’s Choice award for my Conceptual Illustration titled “Harlequin Romance”. (None of the judges seemed to get that it’s a Harlequin Great Dane, which was disappointing, but luckily they loved it, anyway!)

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National Best In Class for Animals!
Awards and Accreditations, Updates Tracy Munson Awards and Accreditations, Updates Tracy Munson

National Best In Class for Animals!

This is only the second national Best in Class I’ve received from PPOC, so it’s a really big deal for me. (The first was for my Pictorial/Floral image “Sunset Paddle” in 2017). The Animals category is extremely competitive and includes wildlife as well as domestic animals, so it’s such a great honour to win against some of the best pet AND wildlife photographers in the country!

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My Master of Photographic Arts Designation
Awards and Accreditations Tracy Munson Awards and Accreditations Tracy Munson

My Master of Photographic Arts Designation

Five and a half years after joining the Professional Photographers of Canada, I have earned my Master of Photographic Arts Designation. When I first joined, it seemed like such an impossible goal, it wasn’t even something I was aspiring towards, but I quickly began earning print merits from entering my images into competitions and submitting successful accreditations, and next thing I knew, it wasn’t out of reach at all!

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