Tails of the Chocolate River Registration Full

My plan was to keep the registration for my Tails of the Chocolate River book project open for 2 weeks. I was really hoping to have at least 30 pets to feature in the book. Well, pet lovers in Moncton, Albert County, and as far away as Miramichi and Saint John blew those numbers out of the water! Within 5 days, I had to close the registration portal, as I already had 46 pet lovers register well over 60 pets! This book is going to be awesome!

We also raised a total of $2520 for the Greater Moncton SPCA , before selling a single book.

Registration for pets to be featured in the Tails of the Chocolate River book is full. Pets will be photographed in beautiful natural and historic locations along the Petitcodiac River and surrounding areas in Greater Moncton and Albert County.

Registration for pets to be featured in the Tails of the Chocolate River book is full. Pets will be photographed in beautiful natural and historic locations along the Petitcodiac River and surrounding areas in Greater Moncton and Albert County.


National Best In Class for Animals!


First Place in Animal Image Makers