My Craftsman of Photographic Arts Designation (CPA)
Updates, Awards and Accreditations Tracy Munson Updates, Awards and Accreditations Tracy Munson

My Craftsman of Photographic Arts Designation (CPA)

I’m so excited to announce that I have received my Craftsman of Photographic Arts designation (CPA) from the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC).

This designation is awarded based on a system of merit points earned through successful accreditations, having images perform well in the National Image Competition and voluntary service to the organization. So far, in less than 5 years, I have achieved 6 accreditations, have had 14 images score Accepted or higher in our National Image Competition, and have volunteered in a number of ways, not least of which serving on the Board of Directors in the Atlantic Region.

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Photographic Artist of the Year 2019
Updates, Awards and Accreditations Tracy Munson Updates, Awards and Accreditations Tracy Munson

Photographic Artist of the Year 2019

I was so deeply honoured to win the title of Photographic Artist of the Year in the Professional Photographers of Canada - Atlantic Region Image Competition for the second year in a row. I also received the Best Animal award for my portrait of a bear in Kouchiboujouac National Park, titled “Bear Necessity”, and the Best Fine Art Award for my image “Reclaimed Wood”, of a well know abandoned house in Shepody, NB. My winning entry was completed by “The B’ys By the Bay”, a portrait of 3 Newfoundland dogs, and “Lobster Fleet Launch”, showing fireworks over the lobster boats in Alma, NB.

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Feline Portraiture
Awards and Accreditations, Updates Tracy Munson Awards and Accreditations, Updates Tracy Munson

Feline Portraiture

I’m so pleased to announce that I have earned my 5th and 6th Accreditations through the Professional Photographers of Canada; Feline Portraiture and Wildlife Photography. Both passed accreditation on the first attempt, with an overall quality of “Good” (which is better than just “Accepted”). I’m trying to collect all the animal ones, just have Equine left now #goals.

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Photographic Artist of the Year 2018
Updates, Awards and Accreditations Tracy Munson Updates, Awards and Accreditations Tracy Munson

Photographic Artist of the Year 2018

The Atlantic Region of Professional Photographers of Canada held their annual image competition recently, and I took home a bunch of awards, including Photographic Artist of the Year! I also won the Bruce Berry Award for Best Overall Print, Best Pictorial/Floral, Best Fine Art, and 2 Judge’s Choice awards. What a night to remember! (And I sure was glad I didn’t wear heels).

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Animal Portraiture Accreditation
Updates, Awards and Accreditations Tracy Munson Updates, Awards and Accreditations Tracy Munson

Animal Portraiture Accreditation

Woot Woot! I’ve just learned that I have received an Accreditation in Animal Portraiture from Professional Photographers of Canada! This is my fourth professional accreditation, along with Canine Portraiture/Dog Photography, Pictorial/Scenic Photography, and Ornithology/Bird Photography. Here is the portfolio of 10 images that were accepted for the accreditation:

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