Free Resource For New Puppy Pawrents!
Pet Tips and Ideas, Updates Tracy Munson Pet Tips and Ideas, Updates Tracy Munson

Free Resource For New Puppy Pawrents!

If you are thinking about getting a new puppy, have a new puppy, or know someone with a new puppy, here is a fabulous free resource to ensure that they get off to a great start!

I’ve followed Dr. Ian Dunbar for years. I can remember reading one of his books at the first vet clinic I ever worked at, back in the early 90’s. He has been a leader in the movement towards positive reinforcement-based dog training.

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Unique Pet Memorial Tribute Ideas
Updates, Pet Tips and Ideas Tracy Munson Updates, Pet Tips and Ideas Tracy Munson

Unique Pet Memorial Tribute Ideas

Watching your senior pet age or losing a beloved pet to illness or an accident is devastating. Pet loss grief can be overwhelming, and is only made harder when those around us just don’t understand, or make insensitive remarks. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, and definitely no time limit. It will be different for every person and with every loss.

Honestly, even after 25 years as a vet tech, and many personal pet losses throughout my life, nothing prepared me for losing my beloved pug mix Becca last summer. I still cry almost every time I think about her, and I haven’t been able to properly memorialize her yet … but I know I will do something extra special when the time is right.

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Here's why your pet photos are blurry
Pet Tips and Ideas Tracy Munson Pet Tips and Ideas Tracy Munson

Here's why your pet photos are blurry

Your camera needs light to record an image.  It doesn't matter whether it's an old film camera, a top of the line DSLR or your smartphone; light is the necessary ingredient, and most of the time you will need more of it than you think. This article is for people who want to take better pet photos with the camera they've already got, so I'm going to try to keep this very simple, with just a few (hopefully) palatable bites of technical info for you to swallow.

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