2022 Eastern Canada Photographic Artist of the Year
Judging for the 2023 National Image Competition has wrapped up, so now I can finally share my images from the 2022 Eastern Canada Regional Image Competition this past November.
First of all, I was pretty shocked to win Photographic Artist of the Year again. It was the fifth year in a row that I have won the regional title BUT, this year our tiny Atlantic Region merged with Quebec and Ontario, creating the new Eastern Canada Competition. It was truly the proverbial jump from being a big fish in a small pond to a tiny fish in a big pond.
My 4 winning images, clockwise from top left: “After the Storm” scored Merit, “Mr. Whiskers” scored Excellence and won a Judge’s Choice Award, “Dusty Dance” scored Merit, and “Best Dressed” scored Accepted.
Now all I can do is cross my fingers and wait until the National Awards Gala in Canmore, AB in April!
Interested in learning more about the Professional Photographers of Canada? I’m the Atlantic Regional Director and the National Communications Chair, and I’d be happy to answer your questions.