Hope and Sarge at Their Home in New Horton
Tails of NB, Featured Sessions Tracy Munson Tails of NB, Featured Sessions Tracy Munson

Hope and Sarge at Their Home in New Horton

I photographed mixed-breed rescue dog Hope and her little “sister”, Alapaha blue blood bulldog puppy Sarge at their home in New Horton for my Tails of the Chocolate River book. Here’s what their mom had to say about them:

"Hope is a beautiful mixed-breed rescue dog that my husband adopted before we were a couple. Once we spent some time together, we both very quickly realized that Hope was going to be my dog! We aren't entirely sure of her breed, but we're thinking blue heeler and maybe pitbull or boxer. People frequently comment on her beautiful markings.

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Hunting Dogs On The Shepody Marsh
Featured Sessions Tracy Munson Featured Sessions Tracy Munson

Hunting Dogs On The Shepody Marsh

All of my custom pet photo sessions start with a phone call to plan the perfect session for each pet family. No two are ever completely alike, even at the same location!

During our planning call, this client told me that she had grown up next to the Shepody Marsh in Albert County, NB. She said that she would love to do her photo session there because it would be such a fitting location for her two hunting dogs, Brittany Spaniels Gauge and Georgia.

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The Big Move
Updates Tracy Munson Updates Tracy Munson

The Big Move

In Spring 2018, my partner Graham and I fulfilled a dream we'd been nourishing for several years. We left Toronto with its traffic jams and million dollar tear downs behind and moved to Atlantic Canada.

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