The Big Move
Becca sits in the window and barks at a neighbour walking by on the road. Delgado joins the chorus and for a split second, the old panic sets in - I must shut them up before someone complains! Then it passes, as my subconscious remembers that we don't live in a dark, cramped basement apartment in Toronto anymore. The nearest neighbours cannot hear the yapping inside my big old house, on my 6-acre property. The pedestrian has passed and all is quiet again. Even if they sit in the window all day, there won't likely be another disturbance. That's how quiet our new life is, in rural Albert County, NB. (If I sound kind of smug, it's because...well, I am!)
The cats enjoy basking in the sun and the dogs love looking out the window and exploring the property at our new home in rural New Brunswick.
In Spring 2018, my partner Graham and I fulfilled a dream we'd been nourishing for several years. We left Toronto with its traffic jams and million dollar tear downs behind and moved to Atlantic Canada. While on vacation the summer before, we had taken the leap and purchased a 170-year-old home in Harvey, NB. (Not even the small town of Harvey outside of Fredericton, our Harvey is a tiny parish on the Bay of Fundy, with a year-round population of around 80). We don't have millions of people here, but we do have millions of sandpipers and songbirds, and as far as this introvert is concerned, that's just fine!