Free Resource For New Puppy Pawrents!
Pet Tips and Ideas, Updates Tracy Munson Pet Tips and Ideas, Updates Tracy Munson

Free Resource For New Puppy Pawrents!

If you are thinking about getting a new puppy, have a new puppy, or know someone with a new puppy, here is a fabulous free resource to ensure that they get off to a great start!

I’ve followed Dr. Ian Dunbar for years. I can remember reading one of his books at the first vet clinic I ever worked at, back in the early 90’s. He has been a leader in the movement towards positive reinforcement-based dog training.

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An Adorable Puppy Photoshoot In Moncton
Featured Sessions Tracy Munson Featured Sessions Tracy Munson

An Adorable Puppy Photoshoot In Moncton

When I saw my vet (the wonderful Dr Adele Doucet at Vet Champlain in Dieppe) post photos of an adorable Corgi puppy with a raccoon mask on her Instagram story, of course I wanted to photograph him! I was over the moon when I discovered that he was actually the new little brother of Rosie the German Shepherd, and they already had plans to book a session! I had already had the pleasure of photographing Rosie a couple of times, she was even the cover dog for the PAW/SBA (formerly Greater Moncton SPCA)’s 2022 calendar, along with cat sister Luna.

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