2024 Eastern Canada Image Competition - Best In Class!

This past weekend was the awards ceremony for the Professional Photographers of Canada Eastern Image Competition. It was super fun to gather with some other local photographers in the Greater Moncton area to watch the awards and celebrate together at 5 Bridges in Riverview. Our Atlantic members represented very well in competition against members from Quebec and Ontario.

I received a Best in Class and a Judge’s Choice award for my Conceptual Illustration titled “Harlequin Romance”. (None of the judges seemed to get that it’s a Harlequin Great Dane, which was disappointing, but luckily they loved it, anyway!)

My other two images received scores of merit and were finalists for Best in Class in their respective categories. My painterly image of a running horse was titled “Free Spirit” and was entered into the Fine Art class. The chonky kitty (hilariously named “Alfredo”) was titled “My Mom Says I’m Big-Boned” and was entered into the Animals Class.

I’m not sharing these images on social media at this time because they will be going on to the National Image Competition in the new year, and I don’t want any of the judges among my friends to see them ;)

Will your pet be the subject of my next award-winning animal portrait?


Cooper the Boxer's Fall Photos in Hillsborough


Rosco the Newfoundland Dog at Angel Mist Antiques in Albert County