Thanksgiving, Dogs, and Gratitude
Autumn Reflections.
As a child, I hated autumn. It meant the end of time at my family’s cottage, which was my happy place, and it also meant back to school, where I was profoundly miserable.
As an adult, I gradually came around. There’s no denying that the changing leaves are beautiful here in Southern New Brunswick, there are fewer mosquitos in the backyard and fewer tourists at the beach!
As a pet photographer, I have learned to LOVE fall. The browns and golds compliment most dogs so beautifully and fit easily into neutral home decor. I think most dogs are more comfortable during their cooler weather sessions, too (I know I am)!
In the season of sweaters, scarves and pumpkin-spice-flavoured everything, I find myself reflecting on all the things I’m so grateful for in my life and business. (Spoiler alert: it’s probably going to be mostly dogs).
A lot of science points to the act of gratitude being good for us humans. Basically, the data shows that when we create a regular habit of expressing gratitude, we are likely to be happier and less depressed.
I have actually seen this at work in my octagenarian mother, so it is never too late to start! After my dad died, she started trying to think of 3 things she was grateful for while she was on her walks. She said at the beginning, it was hard, but it got easier and easier. Within a few weeks, she found that she’d still be listing things an hour later when she got back to the car! It made a huge, noticeable difference in her mood, her happiness, and her relationships.
Practicing gratitude actually changes our brains! Here are some fascinating gratitude facts:
It can be a ‘natural antidepressant:
“Expressing gratitude not only to others but also to ourselves, induces positive emotions, primarily happiness… The effects of gratitude, when practiced daily can be almost the same as medications. It produces a feeling of long-lasting happiness and contentment, the physiological basis of which lies at the neurotransmitter level.”
It’s good for brain, body, relationships and mood:
“In the past two decades, a growing body of evidence in the field of social science has found that gratitude has measurable benefits for just about every area of our lives. Gratitude appears to contribute substantially to individual well-being and physical health.”
It takes time, but the effects are long-lasting:
“A study of this practice found that people who wrote down three things that had gone well in their day and identified the causes of those good things were significantly happier and less depressed, even six months after the study ended.”
One of the things I am most grateful for every day is the ability and privilege to do this job. I’ve been working with animals my whole adult life (over 30 years!), but being able to work with animals on my own terms, as my own boss, while being creative and bringing joy to pet lovers … it’s truly a dream come true. While I wouldn’t change a thing, all those pesky little details of running a business can keep me so busy that properly expressing my gratitude can sometimes get overlooked.
So, I wanted to take this opportunity - in this season of thanks - to share a few things I’m most thankful for right now.
1. That I live in Canada
It ain’t perfect, but it beats any of the alternatives by a country kilometre, especially as a woman.
2. My supportive partner
He feeds me. He carries my stuff. Dogs love him. He never complains when I bring home another pet (well, rarely complains).
3. My mom
That she’s still healthy, living on her own terms, calling me with computer questions.
4. That pet losses have been the greatest tragedy of my life
I know, this one is kind of odd, but it struck me last year after I lost my dog, Becca. I was trying to practice gratitude, and really not feeling it. Yes, I was grateful that I got to have 11 years with her. She literally changed the course of my life. But the pain of her loss was still too intense to appreciate it. I was still angry and heartbroken that I didn’t get MORE time with her.
And then it struck me. How fortunate am I that pet losses have been the biggest tragedies of my life, the deepest grief I have experienced? That is truly a sign of a charmed and privileged life with a lot to be thankful for.
So thankful for my little family … and that I got this epic portrait of them before we lost Becca, Stompy, and Trillian all within a year and a half. Time for an updated portrait with our newest addition, Iris!
5. My amazing clients
I can’t express this enough. I have the BEST clients! Some spend a little, some spend a lot, but they ALL love their pets so much, so they are the very best kind of people. I feel so privileged that I get to spend time hearing their pet stories and getting to know them and their furry families.
I’d love to know what’s got you feeling #thankful, too.
Have you started or maintained a gratitude practice? If so, I’d love to know more about it! Get in touch with me here or DM me on Facebook or IG to share your secrets!
Happy Thanksgiving, from my furred and feathered family to yours!
P.S. Just remember, wherever you’re ready, I’m here to preserve your furry family with custom wall art you’ll be thankful for every day. It’s my absolute pleasure to be your pet photographer when you need me!